Monday, January 25, 2010

How To Get 1 Million Hits!

Hi everyone! I just read all of your wonderful ideas about what kind of prize should be had for my 1 million visitors giveaway! I will let you know what I have chosen when the milestone approaches! While I was reading your comments, I came across a suggestion from one of my followers, aussiegold (thanks Phil!). He wanted me to write a post about blog promotion. So that's what I am going to do today!

1. You want people to visit your blog so it needs to be interactive in some way. You need to keep the information new and updated so people have a reason to keep coming back. Maybe ask them to comment. Post a giveaway (this is a great idea to try). Anything to get your name out! On this note, create your own button so people can share it on their blog!

2. Love what you do and it will show! It also helps if your blog/webpage is useful to others. When I first began blogging, I found many sites that were very useful. When I finally learned how to tweak my blog to be "just right" I wanted to share what I had learned with all of you! And it helps if you offer "free stuff", too!

3. It's all about public relations! So, respond to people who leave comments! Visit their blogs. Don't forget to leave your email or contact button somewhere on your blog. Encourage people to write to you, and write back to them. Try and develop relationships with your visitors.

4. Get your name out there. List your blog on blog circles, advertise your blog on other blogs (like Tina's ;) or advertise on much larger scales. My personal favourite: Trek Advertising!

5. Wait it out. I didn't have all the traffic to start with. It takes time! But with regular posting and following these tips, your blog will slowly be known in the blogosphere.

With these suggestions in mind, your site can reach 1 million visitors, too!


Chris said...

Hi Tina! Great of you to respond to the requests for blog promotion tips. I'd also like to ask how many hours in a day it takes you to promote your site.

John said...

Congratulations on your one million hits! Any suggestions on the type of giveaways? What are the past giveaways that you've had?

tututina said...

Chris- Hi! I don't spend too much time promoting my site as Trek Advertising does it for me :) But on average I would say I spend about 20 min a day responding to emails, dealing with my small advertising business or adding content to my blog.

John- Great question. You can read about my previous giveaways at this link:

Chris said...

And I love the Christmas buttons too. What did you use to design them? And your blog too. It's so nice and colorful.

Unknown said...

Congrats! I regularly visit your blog for new ideas and it really is very helpful...I particularly like your button/ badge post...

Shirley said...

Hi Tina,
Congratulations on getting 1 million visits.
I think "word of mouth" is the best advertising any blog can get. I have several blogs and when someone (like you) puts one of my blog links on their blog I get visitors to all my blogs...One links to another,so on and so on...Keeping your readers interested in your blog and giving them something to look forward to sure helps. Your devoted fan, Kowgirl

tututina said...

Chris- thanks! I use a free program called to design all my "stuff!".

Yukki- Thanks Yukki for always making regular appearances in my comments!

Shirley- Great to hear from you my friend! Word of mouth is a great idea...I probably should have wrote that, too! It's fast, easy and free, too! Hope you are doing well! :)

Chris said...

Thanks Tina! I'll look at and see if it'll work well with my artistic side. ;-)

adam said...

Hi Tina,
Good day. I always see your advertisement on Trek Pay. Honestly speaking I am only new in blogging about 15 days old. I want to ask if how can I link my blog site with other blog related or with same niche. Also if you have time can you visit my blog
and give some comments or point of improvement. Thank you very much.

Suresh Khanal said...

Hi Tina,

Everything you told is true to my heart. I would like to ask you here about TreckAdvertise you referred.

I read it somewhere that it is dangerous to advertise your site through TreckAdvertise. Some got their account banned due to this. I'd like to get your ideas and confirm can I use it for my website which has adsense ads?

JhayCee said...

Hi tututina..i've learned abt your blog in trekpay, i cant find a way how to follow ur blog. i'm hoping that you can help me on how to improve my brand new blogHERE

JhayCee said...

Hi tututina..i've learned abt your blog in trekpay, i cant find a way how to follow ur blog. i'm hoping that you can help me on how to improve my brand new blogHERE

Shirley said...

Tina the thing I would stress about blogging is the correct use of the English language when writing a blog post or an article. I see a lot of blogs that have so many English grammar mistakes and
some are so bad it is hard to know exactly what they are writing about. So please tell your readers to proof-read each and every post and/or article or have someone else read it to catch these common mistakes.
Your devoted fan and follower

Chris said...

I absolutely agree with you Shirley. If I see grammatical errors, I quickly assume that the blog is just spam. ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi again Tina! Really pleased you liked my suggestion. Great little article you have posted to get your readers on the right track to more traffic.
Thanks heaps for sneaking that little link in for me......have had quite a few visits from it already:-)
Keep up the great work.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on hitting 1 mil hits!

Muklis said...

Hello Tina tahnks for your tips, great your idea, good luck and wish happy and healty, this my new site please visit I'm waiting

jepzky said...

congrats tina for your 1 million hits. I've been a constant visitor with you blog. it really helps a lot.

pedrokomentaryo said...

Hi ! you got a very nice blog... It’s GREAT...I only select few people to visit my blog and your one of them. So see you there.,it’ can enjoy exploring some of it’s pages such as
(rocking pinoy, mga kwento in lolo pinsoy, boxing, not a crab mentality)...once again congrats you got a nice blog.........PERDO
pls read the circus is coming to town

Chris said...

Hi Tina! Any surprises for Valentines?

mycent said...

nice post :)

Lee said...

Good idea, just post from your heart and have fun.
You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

Mursalin said...

I've seen your blog many times before through Trekpay, but this is my first real visit. Thanks for sharing these tips, I'll try them one by one.

Noah said...

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AMIT said...

Hi Tina you just have a lovely blog posts and design of your blog is just beautiful.Can you help me out in telling how u got 1 million visits?Pls reply me on my mail id

You can visit my site Lost2angels

paztim said...

Good! I like it.

archiedelara said...

Is it really worth advertising in Trek?

Balthazar Hawke said...

Hi Tina! I'm new on this stuff of blogging, thanks for the tips!

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Alice Thomas said...
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Unknown said...
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Aria Kerry said...
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alul de Conan said...

nice blog, thanks for you advice...^^

J.C.Burton (Saimon_Incorporate) said...

Hi Tina!I love your blog.I`d like to ask you if you spend many dollars on avertising your site?; becouse trek is quite expensive.Congratulations on your 1 mill hits!
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