Friday, February 19, 2010

2nd Prize Draw

And the winning comment for this week's 2nd prize one million thank yous giveaway, who will be receiving $10.oo annnd 2 months of free advertising is....Shirley! Please leave me your email in the comments section and I will contact you with all the prize winning details! The top prize is still up for grabs...good luck to all!


Shirley said...

Thanks Tina,
This couldn't come at a better time.
My son who helps me get by lost his job 3 weeks ago and can't find any work. This will sure help with purchasing some much needed food.

My email is:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a blessing. Hope I could have that blessing too.

Gene said...

Congrats Shirley!

The suspense is killing me for the first prize. Still crossing my fingers though.

Mommy Levy said...

Congrats Shirley!

BTW, Tina I've got an award for you!

rjblueyes said...

Congrats Shirley! Good luck to everyone fornext weeks drawing!

Chris said...

Congratulations Shirley!

Cens World said...

Hello there, have a tag for you. HOpe you like it.

redamethyst said...

congratulations shirley!

AMIT said...

Hi Tina you just have a lovely blog posts and design of your blog is just beautiful.Can you help me out in telling how u got 1 million visits?Pls reply me on my mail id

You can look at my site Lost2angels

Karen said...

Congrats Shirley!

Administration said...

Wow, On the Next day the contest will end. So, what will be the Next event Tina. Can you please send me some update? Here's my blog

Jerry Bustillo

Chris said...

Is it almost time for the next raffle?

Anti Aging said...

Hello Tina! I've found out you're No.1 in Google on a keyword "a blog that is just right" with or without quotation mark. Congratz!

My Journey said...


Congrats Shirley!

Caleb said...

Cool blog!

Frankly, I only visited because I saw a small picture of boobs in a bikini, but once I got here I read through several posts.

Nice tips! (er... if you know what I mean...)


Google Top Search said...

Thanks because of this! I’ve been searching all above the web for that details.